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Crossing the Finish Line! Governor signs ESSB 2662: Capping out-of-pocket cost of insulin + Total Cost of Insulin Work Group

We were so excited to see Governor Inslee sign another law today based on a HCFA-WA proposal. ESSB 2662 relieves diabetics in our state from the skyrocketing cost of insulin.

This two-pronged law not only provides a cap on out-of-pocket costs for the next two years, but also sets in motion a longer term comprehensive approach to controlling costs with the formation of the Total Cost of Insulin Work Group.

We're also very pleased that our lobbying added representation on the work group from someone who lives with diabetes. Read more about this legislation here.

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December UHCC meeting: A glimmer of light

December 20, 2024

In the bleak midwinter, glimmers of light at the December UHCC Meeting   By Marcia Stedman  In this season of darkness, FTAC member Bob Murray brought welcome light to the Commission’s December meeting.   Bob was the executive director of Maryland’s hospital rate-setting system and gave...

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