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Healthcare Debt is a Pot of Gold for Debt Collectors. Our Supporter Has a Suggestion

What happens when patients can't pay their health care bills? Eventually, patients are sent to debt collection and are given two choices: pay up, or go into debt. This Seattle Times article reports that Medical Debt Collection is so lucrative that there is little incentive anymore to work out payment plans.

How big a business? Last year, Americans borrowed $88 Billion to pay for health care expenses, The New York Times reports.

HCFA-WA Ed Fund Board Member, Rich LaGue inspired by the Seattle Times article, submitted the following Letter to the Editor, which the Seattle Times published March 26, 2019:

Health-insurance redo would ease debt-collector woes

Re: “Debt collectors, able to ‘sue, sue sue,’ can squeeze consumers for more cash”:

Reporter Mike Baker’s moving article clearly shows us the need to reform the debt-collection business so that people are not forced into an endless cycle of ever-increasing debt.

Even more clearly, it shows us the need to adopt a health care financing system like other advanced countries where no one goes bankrupt because they get sick.

Thank you, Rich, for writing this on-point letter!

Editors are always looking for brief pithy comments on current issues. Got something to say about universal health care? Let them know what you think by writing your own letter to the editor of your favorite publication!

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