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Pages tagged "WHST"

Federal Legislation Archive


HR 3775: the State-Based Universal Health Care Act of 2021 

In 2021, Rep. Ro Khanna (CA-17) introduced HR 3775. the State-Based Universal Health Care Act of 2021.

An update of his HR 5010 (2019), this bill had 27 co-sponsors, including Washington’s Pramila Jayapal (CD-7) and Adam Smith (CD-9).

This bill establishes the option for states, or groups of states, to apply to waive certain federal health insurance requirements and provide residents with health insurance benefits plans through a state-administered program. Such programs must cover 95% of the residents in the state within five years and plan benefits must be at least as comprehensive and affordable as the coverage under the equivalent federal program.

Details including the bill text, summary, and complete list of cosponsors can be seen here.

We are expecting Rep. Khanna to introduce his 2023 update soon.

HR 5010: the State-Based Universal Health Care Act of 2019

Rep. Ro Khanna (CA-17) introduced HR 5010, the State-Based Universal Health Care Act of 2019.

HR 5010 Summary and FAQ Sheet

Rep. Ro Khanna's Press Release Introducing HR 5010

HR 5010, the State-Based Universal Health Care Act of 2019 Bill

Our blog post about the introduction

This bill enables states to bring health care costs under control for the first time with several tools: (1) greatly expanding the risk pool; (2) eliminating much of the administrative and profit-oriented cost of private insurance plans, estimated to represent 15-30 percent of American dollars spent on health care; (3) allowing the creation of global health care budgets with negotiated reimbursement rates for all providers; and (4) reorienting health care towards prevention and primary care.

In Washington State, the SBUHC Act would make it possible to implement a proposal like the Washington Health Security Trust (WHST). It would offer the same federal support needed by nearly 20 other states, including California and New York, that are working to achieve universal and affordable health care for all their residents.

Co-Sponsors. We are delighted that it has 15 original co-sponsors, including Reps. Pramila Jayapal and Adam Smith from Washington state, as well as many Progressive leaders: Rep. Jayapal (WA-07), Rep. Blumenauer (OR-03), Rep. Bonamici (OR-01), Rep. DeFazio (OR-4), Rep. Garcia (IL-04), Rep. Grijalva (AZ-03), Rep. Lee (CA-13), Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14), Rep. Omar (MN-05), Rep. Pocan (WI-02), Rep. Pressley (MA-07) Rep. Raskin (MD-08), Rep. Schakowsky (IL-09), Rep. Adam Smith (WA-09), Rep. Watson Coleman (NJ-12)

Our task now is to increase the support for the bill, starting in our state. Every chance we get, we need to be asking Rep. Suzan DelBene (CD-1), Denny Heck (CD-10), Derek Kilmer (CD-6), Rick Larsen (CD-2), and Kim Schrier (CD-8) to sign on to the bill and to support it.The State-Based Universal Health Care Act responds to the calls for complete access and greater affordability of health care for all Americans coupled with a uniquely American tradition—namely, capitalizing on the role of states as incubators of policy from our founding. As such, states should be able to provide health care for all.

Many thanks to One Payer States and David Loud for providing the Bill Summary and FAQs.

Health Care is the Real Issue in the 2018 Elections!


Every candidate is talking about universal health care this year.

The 2019-20 sessions of our state legislature will be voting on a revised version of our bill for the Washington Health Security Trust (the WHST), so let's talk to every candidate for state office this year to make sure they are ready to approve our bill for universal healthcare for everyone in Washington state.

State Legislative Races. There are candidates for all 98 seats in the Washington State House of Representatives and 25 seats in the Senate. Candidates recognize that the people of our state want everybody in and nobody left out of the basic human right to health care. To make sure that all candidates know about this, we asked each candidate to answer a survey.

US Congressional Races. There are several bills in the US Senate and House, and national discussions have been spurred on by Representative Jayapal's introduction of a new bill for State-Based Universal Health Care. Let's make our US Senators and Representatives hear about universal healthcare.

There are candidates for all 10 seats in the US House of Representatives and 1 seat in the US Senate. We have asked each candidate for these national offices to answer a survey, too.

We will publish the candidates' responses in time for primary elections on August 7th. Watch for the opinions of candidates in your district. If you agree with their opinion, let them know it.

If you don't agree with their opinion, motivate them to change their position. If there's no reply, ask them to support universal healthcare coverage bills as shown below. Let's show up at candidate forums in your district. Let's make sure that each candidate is addressing the issue of universal health care.

Let's make it the real issue in our 2018 elections!

Watch for the results of our survey. Go and meet with candidates. Please share their response with us. Send an email to [email protected].


Ask your candidates and electeds to co-sponsor and vote in favor of:

State Bill: Bill similar to HB 1026 - Washington Health Security Trust

US Senate Bill: SB 1804 - Medicare for All (Sanders)

US Congress Bills: HR 6097 State-Based Universal Care Act (Jayapal) and HR 676, the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act (Ellison).