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About HCFA – WA

Our Mission

Health Care for All - Washington is dedicated to achieving universal, publicly funded health care.

Who We Are

Formed in 1994, we are the oldest grassroots organization in Washington that is solely dedicated to universal health care. Two-thirds of our Board of Directors are healthcare professionals who provide expert guidance and insight into the development of public policy.  Other board and committee members are long-time advocates who are focused on increasing equitability and access to health care.

We seek to expand and rebuild our public health system to be capable of rapid response and resiliency in the face of contagion or catastrophe.

Committed to Equity

We affirm that universal health care is foundational to achieving health equity.

We seek to eliminate the stark disparities in health and health care by race, ethnicity, class, gender, geography, employment, and citizenship status.

We work for health equity by writing and supporting legislation that addresses disparities in health care access, quality, and cost.

What We Do

  • We partner with legislators to propose, promote, and monitor meaningful healthcare legislation.
  • We build coalitions with the private sector, organizations, and citizens for a thriving statewide grassroots network.
  • We provide timely action alerts on our legislative priorities.
  • We hold public forums and educational seminars to build grassroots support.
  • We communicate our progress through social media, our website, quarterly newsletters, monthly e-bulletins, a monthly speaker series, and other events.

Our Allies

We are sustained by thousands of grassroots supporters. We amplify our voice through other advocacy organizations and through educational and research institutions and faith groups. For a list of endorsements and allied organizations, see Endorsements.


We have several committees dedicated to multiple facets of effective advocacy.


  • Meets every other week during session and the weeks immediately before and after; less often during interim; usually Mondays from 1-3, although time is flexible
  • Develops policy priorities 
  • Updates our strategic plan as needed 
  • Advocates with legislators and agency reps on our policy priorities, assisted by our lobbyist
  • Prepares for and attends the UHCC and FTAC meetings
  • Represents HCFA-WA at HCHR Policy and HUX meetings 


  • Meets once/month - 6 pm on the 1st Wednesday starting Feb. 5, 2025, or another mutually agreed upon date 
  • Develops written materials as needed - brochure, handouts, e.Bulletin, Candidate Questionnaire, PowerPoints
  • e.Bulletin - co-editors and Comms Specialist confer as needed monthly
  • Social Media team- meets weekly to curate posts, other initiatives
  • LTE/Op-ed team - meets sporadically; develops potential topics, media contacts


  • Meets on an as-needed basis
  • Organizes fundraising events - Annual Meeting in November, GiveBIG in May
  • Meets with major and prospective donors


  • Meets as needed to organize events
  • Collaborates on actions with allied organizations with the aim of building a single payer universal health care movement 
  • 2nd Wednesday Speaker Series
  • Organizes speaking requests to other orgs and groups
  • represents HCFA-WA at HCHR's Steering Committee 


Your contribution to Health Care for All Washington is more than just a donation—it’s an investment in your community.