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A Lot to Like: Main Takeaways from the Finance Technical Advisory Committee Meeting #1

by Marcia Stedman

The Finance Technical Advisory Committee (FTAC) remotely met each other and the public for the first time on January 12, 2023. We are encouraged by the experience that each member brings to this group tasked to develop the needed frameworks and subject-area recommendations to implement a universally financed health care system that covers all Washingtonians. Their findings will be presented to the Universal Health Care Commission (UHCC) for their consideration and discussed regularly in public meetings.   

Takeaway #1: The members of the Finance Technical Advisory Committee (FTAC) are well-qualified for the work ahead. We are as impressed by their readiness to take on this huge and important task as we are by their expertise. You can meet the FTAC members by reading their bios and view the meeting itself

Takeaway #2: Public comments led the way at the top of the meeting, and were specifically referenced by Committee members throughout the meeting as they urged:

  • The UHCC to clarify their vision of the model they wish the FTAC to develop
  • The FTAC to pay attention to the conclusions of previous universal health care study groups in both WA and OR
  • The FTAC to consider HCFA-WA’s Washington Health Security Trust bill and Whole Washington’s version of this bill as potential models for the system design

Takeaway #3: FTAC member Roger Gantz (also an active HCFA-WA member) asked these important questions about how the FTAC will organize its work:

Takeaway #4: The clear and concise presentations on the Open Public Meetings Act and the  Public Records Act from WA Assistant Attorney General Dana Gigler were excellent and well worth a listen by anyone interested in learning more about the ins and outs of these important guidelines.

All in all, this first meeting was a good start to the FTAC’s work as they consider how Washington can provide all of its residents with the equitable and affordable health care they need, when they need it.

Mark your calendar for this upcoming meeting:

  •   FTAC – Thurs., Mar. 9th – 3-5 pm

Got comments to share with the FTAC or the UHCC?   

Sign up to provide public comment during a meeting by 5 p.m. the day before the meeting occurs.

Email written comments 2 weeks before the meeting occurs

Pro Tip: Subscribe to receive announcements of future meetings in your own in-box.

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December UHCC meeting: A glimmer of light

December 20, 2024

In the bleak midwinter, glimmers of light at the December UHCC Meeting   By Marcia Stedman  In this season of darkness, FTAC member Bob Murray brought welcome light to the Commission’s December meeting.   Bob was the executive director of Maryland’s hospital rate-setting system and gave...

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