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SB 5822/HB1877: Universal Health Care Work Group - SB5822/HB1877

The Pathway to the Universal Health Care Work Group is Official. 

​Health Care for All-Washington played a critical role in strengthening the desired goals of the Work Group. We are excited by the progress made to date, but there is much more to be done. Please help us keep the momentum going by supporting our work.

We can’t make universal health care happen for Washington without your support!

On May 21, Governor Inslee nudged Washington state onto a pathway to universal healthcare. He authorized $500,000 for the Health Care Authority to convene a work group on establishing a universal health care system in Washington state in the state budget HB 1109. 

Thanks to several HCFA-WA amendments included in the budget line item, the work group consists of a broad range of stakeholders with expertise in the health care financing and delivery systems. It will include patients, labor, insurance, healthcare providers and facilities, patient advocates, and many more interest groups.

First Step to Universal Health Care. Although the work group flew in under the radar, the consequences are significant. Among other directives, the work group must study and make recommendations to the legislature on how to create, implement, maintain, and fund a universal health care system. We will be working to establish the very foundation of a single-payer healthcare system for Washingtonians.

Past Meetings

Meeting 6: September 7 > Read our Report on the September meeting.

Meeting 5: August 25Read our Report on the August meeting.

Meeting 4: June 24Read our Report on the June meeting.

Meeting 3: February 7 Read our Report on the February meeting.

Listen to the meeting.

Meeting 2: December 9 Read our Report on the December meeting.

Watch the meeting.

Meeting 1: September 20 > Read our takeaways.

Watch the meeting. The Health Coverage presentation is at 1:06:16 and the WSIPP Report begins at 2:21:00.

Blog Posts on the Work Group

September 29, 2020 Meeting #6: A firehose of data
September 6, 2020 Meeting #5: Kevin Wren's Public Comment
September 4, 2020 Meeting #5: 5 Takeaways
June 24, 2020 Meeting #4: Three models to discuss
February 14, 2020 Meeting #3 Report: Developing the Criteria for Assessing Universal Health Care Models
December 20, 2019 Meeting #2 Report on Universal Health Care Group 
September 27, 2019 Takeaways from the First Universal Health Care Group Meeting
September 07, 2019 News: The First Universal Health Care Work Group Meeting is Fri., Sept. 20th
June 24, 2019 Pathway to Universal Health Care Work Group Forming!
May 04, 2019 Victory! The Pathway to Universal Health Care Work Group Funded
April 17, 2019 Action Alert: The Pathway Bill is a Floor Vote Away from the Governor's Desk!
April 17, 2019 Latest Press on the Pathway Bill
April 05, 2019 The Pathway Bill Passes Out of the House Health Care & Wellness Committee!
March 17, 2019 The Pathway to Universal Healthcare Bill Voted out of Senate!
February 21, 2019 VIDEO: SB5822 Pathway to Universal Health Care Hearing!
February 09, 2019 The Pathway to Universal Health Care Bill (HB 1877/SB 5822)
February 08, 2019 VIDEO: Rep. Macri's Speech on SB5822 at the 2018 HCFA-WA Annual Meeting