Please join HCFA-WA, Senator Emily Randall, Sen. Karen Keiser, Sen. David Frockt, and Representative Nicole Macri as we recap and celebrate our numerous health care legislative wins!
A year that started with the uncertainty of a global pandemic, along with a state shortfall of billions of dollars somehow ended with successful healthcare legislation!
5399 - creating the Universal Health Care Commission
5377 - increasing affordability of standardized plans on the Health Benefits Exchange
5052 - creating health equity zones
5203 - producing, distributing, and purchasing generic prescription drugs
1272 - concerning health system transparency
How did they do it? Join us as they take us to “The Zoom Room Where It Happened”!
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Meeting ID: 829 6970 6917
Passcode: 536784
Senator Emily Randall – 26th Legislative District, Majority Whip, member of Health & Long Term Care Committee, member of Transportation Committee, Chair of the Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee, member of the Universal Health Care Work Group 2019-2020 --- SPONSOR OF 5399 UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE COMMISSION
Senator Karen Keiser – 33rd Legislative District, President Pro Tempore, member of the Health & Long Term Care Committee, Chair of the Labor-Commerce-&-Tribal-Affairs Committee, Vice Chair of the Rules Committee, and member of the Ways & Means Committee, sponsor of the insulin cost savings bill in 2020 --- SPONSOR OF 5052 HEALTH EQUITY ZONES
Senator David Frockt – 46th Legislative District, Vice Chair of the Health & Long Term Care Committee [member of the Behavioral Health Subcommittee], Vice Chair of the Ways & Means Committee, member of the Business-Financia;-Services-&-Trade Committee, sponsor of key health care reform bills in recent years --- SPONSOR OF 5377 STANDARDIZED HEALTH PLANS or CASCADE CARE 2.0
Representative Nicole Macri – 43rd Legislative District, member of the Health Care & Wellness Committee, Vice Chair of the Appropriations Committee, member of the Universal Health Care Work Group 2019-2020 --- SPONSOR OF 1272 HEALTH SYSTEM TRANSPARENCY