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Building Bridges Between OR & WA Healthcare Advocates

Health Care for All-WA’s 2nd Wednesday Speaker Series is back with Building Bridges Between Oregon and Washington Healthcare Advocates.   

Oregon and Washington are leading the nation in developing universal health care. Leaders of healthcare advocacy groups in both states met in Seattle in mid-July to celebrate the task forces, work groups, commissions and state agencies that have been developed here. Mark your calendar for August 9th and join us to hear from advocates from both states.  They’ll explain what came out of that meeting and what is planned as we move forward.

Sandra Coyner - Oregon
Chuck Pennacchio - One Payer States
Ronnie Shure - Washington
Marcia Stedman - Washington
Charlie Swanson - Oregon

Exciting things are happening and you won't want to miss it! Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, August 09
7pm - 8pm
Zoom Meeting Room

Will you come?