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COVID-19 Would be Different with Single-Payer Healthcare: You can still giveBIG!

Nearly 75,000 Americans are now dead from COVID-19. Coronavirus presents us a critical turning point: progress can be made in the two pillars for a vigorous public health system, and providing quality, affordable healthcare for everyone. You can do something to change the inadequacies of our health care system TODAY. For the urgency of now, GiveBIG to Health Care for All Washington.

HCFA-WA has had one mission

We work to bring about publicly funded, publicly administered healthcare that is both publicly and privately delivered.

Everyone has been affected by COVID-19. The US has food shortages because absolutely essential workers lack health insurance: thousands of farm and field workers are stricken with the virus; hundreds of workers in meat processing plants are sick and dying. 

The millions of people who lost their jobs also lost their health insurance. And while political leaders found it necessary to spend trillions of dollars to save corporations, they have not invested in universal health care coverage.

We don’t just talk about single payer; we make progress getting it
In just the past two years, we’ve passed eight bills that expand coverage, lower prescription costs, gained drug transparency, and most importantly, put us on the pathway to universal health care. When you GiveBIG to HCFA-WA, you support our lobbying and advocacy work.

We were outspent 100-1 by the health insurance industry – and we still won!
Washington health insurers paid their lobbyists more than $2.3 million in 2019, and yet we still won. When you GiveBIG, your dollars are well invested and effective.

Our nonprofit HCFA Education Fund changes minds

Through credible, evidence-based and data-informed research, our 501c3 affiliate is informing, educating, and persuading people of the value of single-payer health coverage. When you GiveBIG to our HCFA Ed Fund, YOU are investing in the change that will get health care for millions.

Please GiveBIG today. Your donations to both our HCFA-WA lobbying and advocacy arm and our tax deductible nonprofit Education Fund, will make all of us healthier.

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December UHCC meeting: A glimmer of light

December 20, 2024

In the bleak midwinter, glimmers of light at the December UHCC Meeting   By Marcia Stedman  In this season of darkness, FTAC member Bob Murray brought welcome light to the Commission’s December meeting.   Bob was the executive director of Maryland’s hospital rate-setting system and gave...

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