Donations to HCFA-WA fund organizational support but are not tax-deductible. The suggested donation is $35 each year, but those on limited income can contribute any amount.
Ways of Giving
- Make a one-time or recurring donation below.
- The Combined Fund Drive
- Employees of large corporate employers
- Mail in donation form
NEW! Amazon Smile - You can now support the HCFA-WA Education Fund when you shop with Amazon! The link will prompt you to select 'Health Care for All Education Fund' as your Amazon Smile charity of choice. This is specifically for HCFA-WA's Education Fund. Just remember to shop from smile.amazon.com thereafter; shopping on Amazon through the URL amazon.com does not generate donations.
Please complete a membership application stating agreement with our mission, and indicating how you would like to work with us.
You are joining with members in every legislative district across the state.
HCFA Education Fund
Donations to the HCFA Education Fund are tax-deductible. Click here to donate to the Education Fund.
This 501(c)(3) entity works to promote public commitment to high quality, sustainable, publicly-funded health care for all Washington residents. The Education Fund assists in educational activities of HCFA-WA including payment for the publication of the Newsletter. Contributions to this effort expand our work throughout the state.
Donate to Health Care for All Washington: