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2018 Questionnaire Comments

U.S. Senate Candidate Comments

Comments are as received without edits.

Brad Chase

Forget what Bernie Sanders says. And forget what the companies say. The simple fact is that the American health care system is run 100% by insurance companies that stretch the definition of "insurance," "coverage," "necessary," and "b.s." in ways unimaginable to a logical person.  The free market should rule and our government should step out of most industries, but whatever the hit our economy takes, it's worth it to rid the American public of the rodents in the health insurance industry. They dictate choices, not doctors, patients, ethicists, politicians or administrators. Their time is over.


James Robert Deal

However, I oppose mandatory vaccination for children and for health care workers. The CDC vaccines are experimental, and according to the Supreme Court "unavoidably unsafe". There are safe vaccines, and I support these and more research on safer vaccines. But none of the CDC vaccines are double blind tested.


Jennifer Gigi Ferguson

I have been endorsed by DUH- Demand Universal Healthcare4All because of my stance for Single Payer/ Universal Health Care for all. I was a signature gatherer as I campaigned. Healthcare is a public safety issue that should be a right,  not a privilege.


There are many reasons for a Single payer system of which all will be an asset to our country, employers, the poor, those caught inbetween, babies, children, and seniors to name a few if done correctly.  This is a no brainer issue if one takes out profits for pharmaceutical companies.


Matthew Heines

It it my opinion that health care, like many things in our society, like education or driving a car, is a right, but it is also a privilege to be respected or else we will lose it. If we don't start making smarter, healthier choices and exercise, the drain on our resources by swamping an overburdened system, will mean no one but those who can afford to travel overseas will get adequate affordable healthcare.

Steve Hoffman

I believe in universal health care for all and that's what I will fight for in Congress.  Take profit out of health care.  I will also support Medicare for All and would be happy to co-sponsor.


Don L Rivers

I support singer tax payer too. We need to make Health Care Free.

Mohammad Said

As a medical doctor, for 37 years, in Washington State, I have one of the highest medical degrees in the United States. It is impossible to allow everyone Medicare coverage. At the beginning I was calling to expand Medicare, to include young people up to the age of 24. In the future, when more funds are available (by way of cutting defense spending), we will be able to expand Medicare.


Dave Strider

Health care becomes, Expanded Medicare with no co-payments, premiums, or pre-existing conditions. The Social Security Card, your Health Care enrollment passport. Health care is a universal right to everyone regardless of ability to pay. Also, included is the needs of those injured on the job injuries. No more shifting costs or responsibilities. Injured workers should never feel a loss of dignity, belonging to their community or strain to the family. <br /> Veterans Administration, I will fight against privation, I receive the very best health care from the VA. When compared to the world’s single payer the VA ranks Number 1, in the world.

Clint Tannehill

I support a single-payer healthcare system/Medicare for All. All Americans deserve the right to healthcare. A single-payer system will reduce burdens on employers to provide insurance, and will reduce burdens on employees by separating their healthcare from their job.


The problem with the ACA is that it funnels taxpayer money directly to the insurance companies that collect billions of dollars annually. Right now, if someone falls in the middle ground between qualifying for Medicaid and qualifying for full price insurance, then the government has to subsidize a portion of their insurance costs. This is ineffective, inefficient, and costly. If we simply provide those services to people through a single-payer system, then we will save the billions of dollars that we currently send directly to the insurance companies.


California has looked to set the path, but they have many hoops to jump through. If they adopt a single-payer system too early, it will likely not receive federal funding. For this reason, it is crucial that we execute this system on a national scale. This will not only help Washington but will also assist the rest of the nation in shifting to the single-payer system. In a single-payer system, the politicians and all government employees will also have access to the same system, but like everyone, they will have options for premium services. The system will work off of our current Medicare framework where private doctors and hospitals see patients, but they agree to the preset pricing for Medicare. So, the system is already there and works well, we would just be expanding it to cover everybody. Insurance companies would pivot to a premium service market, offering services that could be added on top of or in place of some Medicare services. It would simply change our baseline of healthcare coverage.


With this plan, Medicaid and Medicare would expand to cover all citizens. Hospital and medical offices by in large would stay intact. Most hospitals and doctors’ offices already agree to treat patients on these plans. If a workplace wants to provide premium health coverage, then that is their prerogative. Individuals will have the ability to opt into premium services as well. This will be the new baseline of healthcare and preventive health practices that will save billions of dollars, give all people the basic human right to healthcare, and improve health outcomes nationwide.


Sam Wright

We can easily provide free health insurance for all Americans simply by taxing capital gains at the same percentage rates as earned income.



U.S. House Candidate Comments

Comments are as received without edits.

Congressional District 1

Scott Stafne - I believe that it is the responsibility of government to serve its people, who in my are view the true sovereign. Every other industrialized nation recognizes this responsibility to its people and its time the United States did so as well.

Congressional District 2

Stonewall Bird  - Affordable Health Care should be a fundamental human right. It should not be for profit or denied to members of our society in need.

Congressional District 6

Douglas Dightman - HR 676- "Only public or nonprofit institutions may participate. Nonprofit health maintenance organizations (HMOs) that deliver care in their own facilities may participate."

Immediately therefore we are limiting patient's choice as to who they can see and taking the competition element of health care away which will ultimately lead to better and more efficient care. Neither of these bills seem truly "publicly financed and privately delivered" as stated in the introductory comments about the two bills.

We need to change health care not continue to go down the same pathway every time.

Congressional District 7

Pramila Jayapal - I am the sponsor of H.R. 6097 State-Based Universal Health Care Act, and a proud co-sponsor of H.R. 676 Medicare For All. I believe that universal health care is the answer to our crisis. As we work toward that, we need a Medicare-ForAll-type fix to expand health coverage. We need H.R. 6097 to provide states with access to federal funding streams and regulatory flexibility to support affordable, universal health care plans. This is not a wild liberal idea, it is actually what voters across the country want to see. This is the time to have an accessible, affordable solution to rising health care costs in this nation. We need to keep up the fight for comprehensive healthcare at all levels of government.

Congressional District 8

Shannon Hader - I support 100% truly accessible, affordable, high-quality healthcare for all. I will ensure that the federal government provides flexibility and support to states that are ready to pursue single-payer healthcare to do so. I will immediately work to lower drug costs by using the bargaining power of Medicare, allow Medicare opt-ins at progressively younger ages and broader markets (public option), accelerate cost reforms and modernize fraud prevention, putting money back into the system and time back to patients and providers. I will fight to fully fund the Indian Health Service and against efforts to undercut tribal services and sovereignty.

Congressional District 9

Adam Smith - Health care is a right and we must do more to ensure that regardless of income, job status, or location, Americans have access to affordable and reliable care. This is why I have co-sponsored legislation such as the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act (H.R. 676), which would establish a universal health care system. We have to do better as a country to make sure that everyone who needs care can access it.

Sarah Smith - I believe healthcare is a human right. Our current system is failing. We pay twice as much per capita for our healthcare than other countries while covering much fewer people. Single payer medicare for all reduces administrative costs. Doctors will be able to spend more time taking care of their patients rather than spend hours on the phone getting private insurance companies to cover basic procedures. Single-payer medicare for all is the morally and fiscally the right thing to do, and I will use every tool in my tool box for our right to live.