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giveBIG 2020!

Health Care for All Washington’s greatest fear is not that COVID-19 will drastically change our society; our fear it is that it will not.

We work to ensure that we will not return to our old normal, and we need your help to make sure things will change, dramatically, for the better.

When you GiveBIG, May 5-6, you join us in making change.
Do you worry about how you are going to pay for healthcare? Or losing a job, as more than one million Washingtonians recently have, and losing your health insurance, adding to the 1 in 7 state residents without it? What if you didn’t need to worry? We work to change the health care system.

So what does Health Care for All Washington do?

The mission of HCFA-WA is to achieve high quality, sustainable, affordable, publicly financed, and publicly and privately delivered health care for all Washington residents.

How do we do it?

  • We educate through public forums and seminars on health care, through our tax-deductible 501c3 nonprofit affiliate, the HCFA Education Fund, which has built coalitions and developed a thriving, statewide grassroots network, including private sector employers, organizations, and citizen allies working towards universal healthcare
  • We debate the advantages and benefits of single-payer, universal health care in conferences and in the media
  • We activate supporters, enabling and empowering them to advocate for pending legislation
  • We legislate by proposing and lobbying for meaningful healthcare legislation through our advocacy arm, Health Care for All - Washington
  • We communicate our progress with the public through social media, our website, bi-weekly e-blasts, and the publication of a monthly newsletter with timely articles and actionable steps
  • We work to eradicate the inadequacy of both our public health infrastructure, and our current health care delivery system. Health Care for All Washington is now developing implementable legislation that will expand health care coverage for more Washington residents.

We can’t do this alone
The COVID-19 crisis has shown Americans the deep flaws in our current health care system. After passing eight health care bills in two years, HCFA-WA is now developing legislation that will expand health care coverage for more Washington residents. We cannot do this alone.

100% of your contribution to HCFA-WA will be matched by several of our generous supporters.

Please give, and GIVE BIG, to Health Care for All Washington and the HCFA Education Fund.