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HCFA-WA Response to Governor Inslee's Announcement

There are several state healthcare bills in the hopper for the 2019 legislature to consider — including the Cascade Care bill Governor Inslee announced this week. We are steadfast in supporting much-needed temporary relief from the high cost of insurance and healthcare, but it must be a bridge to a sustainable, publicly administered and funded system.

That it has received early press coverage means that we need to continue to advocate for true health care reform: HR 676 at the Federal level and WHST-like plans for Washington state. Keep up the noise for a true singlepayer system!

Watch for periodic action alerts and updates from HCFA-WA as the Legislative Session unfolds.

For information on the Cascade Care bill, we recommend this article from The Stranger.

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December UHCC meeting: A glimmer of light

December 20, 2024

In the bleak midwinter, glimmers of light at the December UHCC Meeting   By Marcia Stedman  In this season of darkness, FTAC member Bob Murray brought welcome light to the Commission’s December meeting.   Bob was the executive director of Maryland’s hospital rate-setting system and gave...

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