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Health Care Cost Transparency Board

This meeting will be held on Zoom and in person at HCA

Meeting ID: 838 8013 6780

One tap mobile:

  • +12532050468, 83880136780# US
  • +12532158782, 83880136780# US (Tacoma)

Find your local number to dial by your location

Watch the meeting live on TVW

Public comment

All Health Care Cost Transparency Board meetings are public meetings, and members of the public are welcome and encouraged to share their input. All feedback is shared with board members.

Share your input

  1. During a board meeting, there is a designated time for public comment. To provide public comment during the designated public comment period, please use the raise hand function in Zoom or raise your hand if you are attending in person.
  2. By contacting them at any time. If you want your written comments to be included in an upcoming meeting, email your comments 10 days before that meeting occurs.

You can find more information on the Health Care Cost Transparency Board here

Wednesday, October 18
2pm - 4pm
Zoom Meeting Room