Exciting news! We just confirmed that our bill in the House, HB1026, is having a post-deadline hearing! We would love to have you in the audience, repping HCFA-WA and demonstrating how important single payer healthcare is to you.
While our bills didn't make it out of committee this session, this hearing will further the conversation about single payer in Washington state. There will be panels for and against the bill and it will help us determine what revisions to make for next year.
Our Senate hearing made an impact, and we can do that here, too. This is not a hearing where people can testify. But your support is still vital! Wear your shirts, buttons, scarves, and stop by on your way to work - constituents showing up in support of a bill significantly contributes to the legislature's understanding of public support.
We will share a link to the video stream when it's live, so if you can't be there in person, set a notification on your calendar and watch online!
House Health Care & Wellness Committee Meeting
House Hearing Room A
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA 98504
Parking Info
A free shuttle runs from three parking lots to the Capitol. Click for more info on the DASH schedule and parking lot locations. Parking meters may take coins, cards, or SmartCards (available at Olympia City Hall) - click here for meter-specific information.
Carpool Info
We have set up this page to aid in coordinating carpools.