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Insulin Access with Kevin Wren

“Since the 1990s, the cost of insulin has increased over 1,200%! Yet the cost of production for a vial of analog insulin is between $3.69 and $6.16!” - Kevin Wren

For our next 2nd Wednesday Speaker Series on “Insulin Access,” Kevin Wren from the Washington State chapter of #INSULIN4ALL will discuss the insulin price crisis and how we can help people with diabetes. “Life with diabetes is complicated. Access to vital insulin, diabetes supplies, and medical care should not be!”

HCFA-WA has supported bills to control the cost of insulin for several years, such as lowering the patient copayment on insulin, the creation of the Total Cost of Insulin Work Group, the Prescription Drug Affordability Board, and state efforts to Purchase/Distribute/Manufacture insulin and prescription drugs.

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Meeting ID: 820 3073 0436
Passcode: 315597


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Wednesday, June 08
7pm - 8pm

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