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Our 2019 Legislative Priorities

How We Can GET THERE...from Here


We face some challenges and exciting opportunities as we head into the 2019 Washington State Legislature to fight for state-based single payer, universal health care.

The current realities:

Financial Details Are Not Ready- The full report the Washington State Institute for Public Policy (WSIPP) study requested by the 2018 legislature, has been delayed to June 2019. The delay of the WSIPP study and the lack of a true econometric study means we do not yet have the financial details everyone is clamoring for in the WHST.

Access to Federal Funds - HB 6097, Rep. Jayapal’s State-Based Universal Health Care Act (SBUHC) that would facilitate state access to federal health care funds, will not pass Congress until the Democrats are in control.  

The WA State Tax Structure Remains a Roadblock- Taxpayers struggling under an inequitable tax system are in an anti-tax mood.

We also have some promising opportunities:

- Americans overwhelmingly support Medicare for All solutions

- WA Dems now have a solid majority

- Support and access to the Vice Chair of the House Health Care & Wellness Committee

- Access to Legislative staff with legal expertise in drafting legislation

- Support of a UW economist working on a portion of the economic study needed

- Our legislation is a top priority of the Washington State Labor Council

Given these realities and opportunities, HCFA-WA has adopted the Three Legislative Priorities for 2019:

1) 2019 Bridge Bill

A bridge to single-payer bill this session sponsored by Rep. Macri and Sen. Frockt that would take immediate steps toward providing affordable coverage for all and lay the foundation for a true state-based single payer system.

2) Washington Health Security Trust (WHST) Bill

Our bill for state-based, publicly financed and administered, but privately delivered medical care for all Washingtonians sponsored by Rep. Sherry Appleton.

3) State-Based Universal Health Care Act (SBUHC, currently HR 6097)

Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal's federal bill would give states the funding and regulatory tools to build universal state plans.


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