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SB 5822 Pathway to Universal Health Care Hearing!

(image: a graphic containing information also in the text below)

This Monday, February 11, the Senate Committee on Health & Long Term Care is holding one of the most important hearings this Legislative Session on Senator Emily Randall's Pathway Bill (SB 5822) at 1:30 PM. If you can make it, we need you there!

★ Let's pack the hearing & show the Committee that we support SB 5822 the Pathway to Universal Health Care for Washington!


Get there early - to sign in, be counted, and get your seat in the hearing room - last year even the overflow overflowed!

Represent in your HCFA-WA swag if you have it!

Parking & Carpools

A free shuttle runs from three parking lots to the Capitol. Click for more info on the DASH schedule and parking lot locations. Parking meters may take coins, cards, or SmartCards (available at Olympia City Hall) - click here for meter-specific information. 

We recommend forming carpools with this website.

Snowed In and Can't Make It?

Learn quick, high impact actions you can take here. 


Monday, February 11
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Cherberg Building
304 15th Ave SW
Senate Rm 4
Olympia, WA 98501
United States
Google map and directions

Will you come?