Join Advocates at the 2018 Healthcare-NOW! Single Payer Strategy Conference
June 22-24 - Minneapolis
The annual Single Payer Strategy Conference is always an inspiring event. With a focus on both the national campaign and the individual state-based single-payer campaigns, there will be ample opportunity to learn what other states are doing, discuss organizing strategies, as we network with other activists from across the country.
This year HCFA-WA will be represented by four members of our Board of Directors and our Program Director when we travel to Minneapolis at the end of June. During the State of the States’ Workshop, Board President Marcia Stedman will provide an update on our actions in Washington state. Then, at the Saturday evening One Payer States session, Program Director Bevin McLeod will participate in a panel discussion of proven organizing strategies, and we will hear from a panel of small-business owners as well.
Sound interesting? Join us! There is no need to be an official representative of an organization to participate. Please visit the Conference website for details on how you can register to take part in this exciting event.