...and what we can do!
HCFA-WA Vice President Chris Covert-Bowlds leads this 2nd Wednesday Speaker Series. He is a family doctor and Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility climate activist. Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility (WPSR) is the state affiliate of PSR, a Nobel Peace Prize winning organization working to create a healthy, just, peaceful, and sustainable world. WPSR has mobilized health care providers to be the health care voice on climate action in our state.
The impacts of climate change are on the rise here in Washington! And make no mistake, climate change is a health emergency. From rising sea levels to summer-long wildfires, Washington state residents are at risk.
With floods, fire, depression, anxiety and despair all around us what can we do? Bring your questions and join Health Care for All - WA’s 2nd Wednesday Speaker Series The Health Impacts of Climate Change in Washington State. (And what we can do.)
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