In this e.Bulletin: 2020 Legislative Preview, Universal Health Care Work Group, Meeting 2, and more.
Your comments needed! Details about UHC Work Group Meeting below. We will provide follow up info on our website after the meeting.
There is so much happening this month! 4th Hearing on Medicare for All HR 1384, Tues. Dec 10 and Rep. Ro Khanna Facebook Live-Stream on Medicare for All Savings, Fri. Dec. 13th. Check out the Upcoming Events below for Details!
2020 Legislative Preview & Upcoming Livestream Blitz Meetings in January
The 2020 state Legislature convenes Monday, January 13th. It will be a short session focused on the state budget. Even though the courts have stopped Eyman's 976 initiative from going forward, it got the legislators' attention and could be a factor in the 2020 session.
In 2020, most of the work to advance single-payer will happen in the Universal Health Care Work Group meetings and in advocating for the State-Based Universal Care Act of 2019. Look for Action Alerts to learn how you can participate.
There are some modest but important things we hope to get done this year in the legislature, such as a bill to lower the cost of diabetes drugs and supplies.
Each year in January, HCFA-WA schedules public Blitz Meetings to preview our focus for the upcoming session's legislative bills and the actions we need from our supporters. This year, our Blitzes will be live-streamed to allow for greater statewide participation and a reduction in our collective carbon footprint. Here's the schedule:
Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2020 from 7:30 - 8:30 pm
Thursday, Jan. 23, 2020 from 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020 from 11 am - 12 noon.
Please save your preferred date(s). Look for meeting details in an invitation email, the January e.Bulletin and social media.
We're Ready for 2020! Thank You for Your Support at our Annual Meeting
Thank you to everyone who attended our Annual Meeting! For a recap of the Annual Meeting, please visit this blog post, where we will soon post the videos of the informative panel, remarks from Rep. from Nicole Macri (LD 43), a recap from our lobbyist, and more.
HCFA-WA appreciates your support and depends on donations from supporters like you to fight to make healthcare and prescription drugs accessible and affordable for all. I hope you can help us to continue the progress we have already made!
Please include HCFA-WA in your annual giving. A monthly recurring donation is a high-impact way to sustain our work.
~ Marcia Stedman, President
Health Care in the News
17,000 People in Spokane Had Their Medical Debt Erased
Here's the story about how 17,000 people in Spokane got their medical debt erased. Universal Health Care would make sure people do not have to rely on random acts of kindness from very wealthy strangers to take care of crushing medical debt. No one would be threatened with abject poverty due to health care costs again.
Britons are shocked at the cost of health care in the U.S.
Watch this four and a half minute video of Britons reacting to American health care prices such as a $2,500 ambulance ride, or $30,000 to deliver a baby.
Above: A Briton is shocked at the cost of an ambulance ride in the U.S. (Image: screenshot/Joe Politics)
Hospitals Could Come After You and Your Loved Ones. Listen to this half-hour podcast of The Daily from the New York Times about hospitals suing patients. People pay health insurance thinking their medical expenses will be paid, only to learn that with high out-of-pocket plans, they are on the hook for huge medical bills. And more and more, hospitals are aggressively collecting money from their patients.
Many Americans Cannot Handle a $400 Unexpected Medical Bill. The Federal Reserve reports that 40% of Americans do not have the means to pay a $400 emergency, like a medical bill -- with cash, savings, or credit cards. What a recipe for disaster! With insurance companies charging more and more to cover less, more Americans face soaring health care expenses they cannot afford. Single-payer Universal Health Care would stop downward-mobility and economic ruin caused by medical expenses.
Powerful Talking Points on Twitter
Upcoming Events
Universal Health Care Work Group Meeting #2, Olympia
Add this meeting to Google Calendar. |
Tues, Dec. 10 |
Fourth Medicare for All (HR 1384) Hearing |
Thur, Dec 12 |
Health Care is a Human Right, December Monthly Meeting |
Fri, Dec. 13 |
Rep. Ro Khanna's Panel on Medicare for All Savings |
Wed, Dec. 18 |
Physicians for a National Health Program -Western WA Monthly Meeting |
Thurs, Dec 19 |
Sixth 2020 Democratic Primary Debate, Los Angeles |
Mon, Jan 13 |
First Day of Session, Washington State Legislature, Olympia. |
Wed, Jan. 22
HCFA-WA: 2020 Legislative Blitz Meeting #1 by Zoom Preview our focus for the upcoming session's legislative bills and actions and learn how you can advocate! Agenda TBD. |
Thurs, Jan 23 |
HCFA-WA: 2020 Legislative Blitz Meeting #2 by Zoom |
Sat, Jan 25 |
HCFA-WA: 2020 Legislative Blitz Meeting #3 by Zoom |
Wishing You Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year of Everybody In, Nobody Out Health Care!
Did you know you can help us achieve our goal — with no additional cost to you — when you shop with Amazon?
If you shop at Amazon, simply use our Amazon Smile Link and Amazon will contribute to our education efforts.
The perfect gift for every universal health care supporter on your list: Everybody In, and Nobody Out
t-shirts, winter scarves, and umbrellas.
★ Regular Contributors - Editor: Kelly Powers ★ Communications Specialist: Sydnie Jones ★ Health News: Rich Lague & Cris Currie ★
★ Spokane & Video: DW Clark ★ President: Marcia Stedman ★