Zooming Along – in more ways than one!
By Marcia Stedman, President
When the “business as usual” model of in-person meetings and actions faded away last spring, HCFA-WA immediately moved our meetings and actions to the Zoom virtual platform. And, the last few months have been very busy. Here’s some of what we’ve been up to:
Website Updates: We updated the “look” of our website, with content more easily accessible on the homepage in a more readable format. We updated our social media strategy, and now have a direct link to our Instagram feed from our homepage, where it joins the links to our Twitter and Facebook accounts. The monthly e-bulletins continue to be packed with timely articles and calls to action.
Speaking of which, many of you heeded our calls to action by attending the Universal Health Care Work Group meetings and providing public comments. Meeting #5 saw over 40 state residents signed up to provide public comment. Meeting #6 attracted nearly that many. The pandemic has increased the urgency of these meetings, but the virtual format has also made it easier for state-wide public participation. This is especially important for residents of rural areas whose voices are critical in designing a healthcare system that works for all of us. We
encourage our members and supporters to continue attending and submitting public comments at the remaining meetings. Watch for our Action Alert e-mails in your in-box, and look for the meeting reports there as well.
This year, we will be Zooming our Annual Membership Meeting to you on Sunday Nov. 15th, from 2-5 pm. Please plan to join us as we hear Dr. Ben Danielson, Senior Medical Director at Odessa Brown Children's Clinic, speak on the topic of “Creating a Culture of Anti-Racism in Healthcare.” Please join us for an exciting look back at our 2020 successes, a look ahead at our Strategic Plan for 2021, and opportunities to support our ongoing work. The business meeting will include votes on the proposed 2021 Budget and the Bylaws revision, plus the election of Directors and Officers for the coming year. Watch the video of the 2020 Annual Meeting!
Voting privileges are reserved for active members, or those who become members prior to October 15, 2020. Renew your membership for 2021 or become a new member today!
Thank you for your continued support!