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February 2018 e.Bulletin: Attend a Town Hall Presidents' Day Weekend, Momentum Building in Olympia and more

2018 is off to a great start! Your vocal support made a huge impact on the legislature. Together we were able to get within a handful of commitments to vote Yes in each chamber, which put a lot of pressure on the Health Committees. Let’s keep it up!

In this Issue:

  • This Week’s Top Event: Attend a Town Hall near you this President’s Day Weekend
  • Rally and Lobby Day and Senate Public Hearing on SB 5701
  • Statewide Mobilizing Events
  • Listen to HCFA-WA on Washington State Indivisible Podcast
  • More Upcoming Events

Ask your legislators about single payer healthcare at a Town Hall in your Legislative District!

townhallgeorgewa.jpgOur members of the state legislature are half-way through their 60-day session this year. Now is the time to tell your legislators that you support a state bill offering full healthcare coverage for all Washington residents. Bring your friends and be visible! Wear HCFA-WA colors blue and yellow. See our Town Hall Primer here

Mark your Calendars: Presidents' Day weekend in most LDs around the state
Most town halls will be Saturday, February 17. 
Check here for locations and times.

At the Town Hall: First let them know who you are: I am a constituent living in <neighborhood or town> and a friend of Health Care for All-WA. Then add one of the questions below:

For Democrat supporters:
We received surprisingly broad support this session in both the House and the Senate for our single payer bills HB 1026 (WHST) and SB 5701. First off, I thank you wholeheartedly for your support. As your constituent, I’m asking you to urge your colleagues to also support our bills moving into next year. Can we count on you for that? Click here for a list of our co-sponsors.

For Democrats on the fence or not yet co-sponsors:
We received surprisingly broad support this session in both the House and the Senate for our single payer bills HB 1026 (WHST) and SB 5701. Given that universal health care coverage is in the state Democratic platform, can we count on your support for the improved and revised bills next year? Click here for a list of our co-sponsors and here for the full script and follow up. 

For Republicans
Our bills HB 1026 (WHST) and SB 5701 for single payer gained bipartisan support this legislative session. Given our state is seeing increased care provider deserts and skyrocketing health care costs with no real answer in sight, are you willing to support a single payer option for Washington state? We know that the evidence showing savings of billions of dollars for individual, businesses and the state is insurmountable.

For All:
I hope you will support our improved and revised single payer bills HB 1026 (WHST) and SB 570 that will be submitted for 2019. This is important to me because…(choose a personal story, skyrocketing high premiums and deductibles are unaffordable for most, concern from small business, rural hospital closures, lack of insurance options, etc).

Please give us a report on your town hall via email!: [email protected]

Rally Day and lobbying legislators win further support; overflow crowd at SB 5701 hearing on Jan. 16th

20180116_131105.jpgWith six days' notice, HCFA-WA members and supporters filled Senate Hearing Room B in Olympia Tuesday, January 16. Our team of field organizers, Jessa Lewis, Carmen Mendez, and Dale Porter lined up ten great speakers to testify on behalf of SB 5701, a parallel version of the Washington Health Security Trust, HB 1026. 59 people signed in supporting our bill, and another 25 or so were unable to get seats in the hearing. Click here to watch the hearing.

The field organizers set up over 40 legislative appointments for that day in which our 85 attendees told their personal healthcare stories and urged legislators to co-sponsor our bills for the next session in January 2019. This is just the beginning of more rallies and events this spring and summer to continue building momentum and building support. See more here.

Photo: Jeff Johnson from the Washington State Labor Council speaks to our ralliers on the capitol steps. The Washington State Labor Council has endorsed HCFA-WA.

January 6th Action Blitz Meetings

20180116_092908.jpgOur thanks go out to the 237 members and supporters who participated in eight Action Team meetings throughout the state in preparation for the impending legislative session. HCFA-WA had meetings in Spokane, the Olympic Peninsula, Vancouver, Tacoma/Pierce County, South King County, East King County and Seattle’s 34th and 43rd LDs.

Everyone present was encouraged to host a house party to view a short video, discuss provisions of the Washington Health Security Trust (the WHST) and consider next steps to win passage of universal healthcare coverage for all residents of Washington State. If you are interested in hosting an event or helping us facilitate an event in your area, send us an email: [email protected]

Photo: Field Organizer Carmen Mendez, Communications Lead Sydnie Jones, Program Director Bevin McCloud, and Field Organizer Jessa Lewis modeling our new scarves.

indivisiblepodcastlogo.pngHCFA-WA President Marcia Stedman on Indivisible WA podcast

"Healthcare would be privately delivered but publicly financed through the Washington Health Security professionals and patients would make the medical decisions, not an insurance company."

HCFA-WA President Marcia Stedman appeared on the Washington State Indivisible Podcast earlier this year and offered a concise overview of our history, our bills, and where we're at now.

Click here to listen to the podcast on Soundcloud.


HCFA-WA is coming to Anacortes!
Joins us to talk about the “Next Steps for Universal Health Care in Washington” with Indivisible Fidalgo. The program will be an hour, including
some Q and A.
February 19
6:30 - 7pm - socializing
7 - 9pm Presentation
Village Pizza, Upstairs
807 Commercial Avenue
Anacortes, WA 98221

Sustainable Ballard's Meaningful Movies: "Fix It" 
and discussion: “Next Steps for Universal Health Care in Washington”
Sunday, March 25, 5:30 pm
Royal Drummer Cafe in Ballard
6420 24th Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98107

Become an advocate for universal healthcare!

Your continued efforts and support allow us to continue ours. Click here to donate.

In It to Win It! We'll see you at a Town Hall soon, so keep it up!

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