In this e.Bulletin: Key positions on 2019-20 health care legislation, HCHR 1/26 forum recap, and more!
Calling all Advocates - Let's Pack Tomorrow's Hearing & Submit Written Testimony
"We can't afford to wait around -- we need to start preparing now, and that's
what we're going to be doing come Monday." ~ Sen. Emily Randall
If ever there was a time to show the Legislature that Washingtonians demand Universal Health Care, it is this Monday's 8 am hearing. Can't make it? Please email your testimony today. Testimony can be short and sweet.
Read Sen. Randall's inspiring message.
Learn more about SB 5822 here.
So Many Bills! HCFA-WA's Positions on Key 2019 Health Care Bills
So far 2019 has been exciting for Universal Health Care bills in the Washington state legislature, but things seem to be settling down. Here are our positions on key legislation:
HCFA-WA Supports SB 5822/HB 1877 - The Pathway to Universal Health Care bills, HB 1104 The Washington Security Trust (WHST) bill & SB 5222 The WHST bill with financing.
HCFA-WA did not take a position on HB 1523/SB 5526 known as the Governor's Cascade Care bill. It has significant support behind it, so we are submitting amendments to at least make it a true public option.
Read more about these positions and the amendments we are proposing here.
Please consider supporting our advocacy work!
Advocates Turned Out for Universal Health Care Forum & the Pathway Bill is Revived
On January 26, universal healthcare advocates attended a public forum featuring Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, Seattle City Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda, King County Councilmember Rod Dembowski, Representative Nicole Macri, and State Senators David Frockt, Joe Nguyen & Bob Hasegawa. The forum was sponsored by Health Care is a Human Right - WA and HCFA-WA.
We're already seeing the fruits of the conversation with the legislators from the Winning Universal Health Care: Federal, State, & Local Action forum. Thank you for turning out and speaking up!
Photos: Maria Kearney
Watch the entire forum here.
Health Care Profiteers' Reveal Greed at Hearing / Fabert on Fire / Currie Blog & More
Check out last week's hearing on House Bill 1523, the 'Cascade Care' bill endorsed by Governor Inslee. The private insurance companies piled on at the hearing to bemoan the proposal. It's an eye-opening display of greed. Link to video and viewing guide here.
HCFA-WA member Kenneth Fabert, MD wrote two letters to the editor following up on an editorial published in the Seattle Times. Ken asks "Why can’t Americans flip the present paradigm on its head and enact a universal health plan that automatically includes everyone?"
Cris Currie, an HCFA-WA Spokane advocate, considers: Is Government Work Good Enough for Single-Payer?
And don't miss The Nation's profile of Representative Pramila Jayapal and her Inside-Outside organizing strategy here.
Upcoming Events
Mon, Feb. 18 |
Hearing on SB 5822 Pathway to Universal Health Care + Washington CAN Lobby Day - Olympia |
Fri, Feb. 22 |
Legislative Deadline: Policy Committee Cutoff |
Mon, Feb. 25 |
"Structural Violence and Health Disparities" - SNaHP & PNHP Meeting - Seattle |
Fri, Mar 1 |
Legislative Deadline: Fiscal Committee Cutoff |
Sun, Mar 3 |
HCFA-WA participating in the North Seattle Progressives meeting - Shoreline |
Wed, Mar 13 | Legislative Deadline: House of Origin Cutoff |
Advocacy Work takes funding. Please consider donating to HCFA-WA!