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December eBulletin

In this eBulletin: Health Care Champions elected, 2019 Legislative priorities, annual meeting recap, and more!

Election of Healthcare Champions Energizes the Fight for Single Payer in Washington

Congrat_Healthcare_Champions.pngThanks to Washington voters, there will be a lot of pressure on the state legislature to deliver a path to single payer universal health care in the 2019 Legislative Session.

Here's what happened in the historic 2018 Midterm Election:


★ 6 additional Legislative Districts now have a Champion for state-based single payer universal health care.

★ Democrats now have a solid majority in the Legislature -- by 8 Senators and 16 Representatives.

★ We have a potential for over 40 co-sponsors for our bills.

Read more on the 2018 Midterm Election Results here.

The voters have spoken and now we need YOU to keep up the massive voter pressure and visibility throughout the 2019 Session. Be loud and proud!

To get the ball rolling, we are organizing In-District meetings with Legislators now.  Click here to email Ronnie Shure, our Political Action Committee Co-Chair to sign up.

Tell them your personal story and why single-payer universal health care is important to you. Ask them to co-sponsor the Bridge and WHST bills (see below) and push for hearings in both the House and Senate in 2019. They need to know you will 'have their back' and continue to support them if they act on their belief that health care is a basic human need -- and a matter of life or death for too many Washingtonians. Visits, calls, email, and letters are all important ways to reach out. 

HCFA-WA 2019 Legislative Priorities - How we can GET THERE...from Here

HCFA-WA has adopted the Three Legislative Priorities for 2019:

1) 2019 Bridge Bill
A bridge to single-payer bill this session sponsored by Rep. Macri and Sen. Frockt that would take immediate steps toward providing affordable coverage for all and lay the foundation for the WHST, a true state-based single payer system.

2) Washington Health Security Trust (WHST) Bill
Our bill for state-based, publicly financed and administered, but privately delivered medical care for all Washingtonians sponsored by Rep. Sherry Appleton.

3) State-Based Universal Health Care Act (SBUHC, currently HR 6097)
Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal's federal bill would give states the funding and regulatory tools to build universal state plans.

Please see this blog post for the context behind these legislative priorities.

2018 HCFA-WA Annual Meeting THANK YOU!!!

Thank you for the successful 2018 HCFA-WA Annual Meeting! We had an excited and enthusiastic gathering of activists wanting to learn more about our plans for the 2019 Legislative Session. A recap...
We were pleased to honor Rep. Sherry Appleton, (LD 23), for her unwavering support of the WHST Bill.
President Marcia Stedman laid out the current situation and our legislative priorities (see summary above.) And  Rep. Nicole Macri (43rd LD), Vice-Chair of the House Health and Wellness Committee, spoke about her proposed health care legislation that would be a bridge to the WHST. Watch Rep. Macri's talk here. Thanks to HCFA-WA Board Member DW Clark for the video.
David Loud, a PSARA Representative to the Health Care is a Human Right Coalition, spoke about the importance of Rep. Jayapal's SBUHC Bill (currently HR 6097) and urged us to contact Rep. Jayapal and encourage her to continue to move that bill forward.
At the Annual Meeting, our supporters wrote notecards to U.S. Representative Jayapal, the Governor, and legislators in 12 Legislative Districts. To learn more about the Annual Meeting and enjoy photos by HCFA-WA PAC Member Leslie A. Zukor, read on here.

Healthcare News You Can Use

Heart Treatment Denied! Unless You Raise $10,000 on GoFundMe

You can not predict if or when you, or someone you love, will have a condition that your regular health insurance will not cover. When should you start your GoFundMe appeal?

Health Insurers Spying on Sleepers To Deny Sleep Apnea Machines

"Experts who study health care costs say insurers' CPAP strategies are part of the industry's playbook of shifting the costs of widely used therapies, devices and tests to unsuspecting patients," from the NPR report here.


From our friends at Healthcare-NOW:

"The coverage seniors receive currently under Medicare -- while guaranteed and often better than private insurance -- is not nearly as comprehensive as that offered by countries with single-payer healthcare, and seniors stand to gain more from an improved Medicare for All plan than just about any group in the country."

Upcoming Events

Wed, Dec 19


Physicians for a National Health Plan Western Washington Monthly Meeting - Seattle
(7:30 pm, Swedish Medical Center/Cherry Hill Campus, South East Conference Center (SECC), RM C

Wed, Dec 19th - Tues, Jan 1


HCFA-WA Enjoying the Holidays

Jan, TBD


HCFA-WA Mobilization Blitzes

Mon, Jan. 14


Washington State 2019 Legislature Convenes

Wishing You Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year of Everybody In, Nobody Out Health Care!

Did you know you can help us achieve our goal just by shopping?

If you shop at Amazon, simply use our
Amazon Smile Link and Amazon will contribute to our education efforts.

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