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September 2024 e.Bulletin


In this issue

This fall issue is chock a block full of highlights from our activism. Here is brief table of contents to ease navigation:

  • Spotlight on the Summit
  • Gathering Forces to build  a state-wide single payer movement 
  • UHCC/FTAC updates
  • Take action this Monday, September 30  

PLUS SAVE THE DATE! HCFA-WA’s Annual Educational Conference & Meeting! 
Saturday, November 9 at 1pm!


Single Payer Health Care Summit draws interest

by David Loud (PSARA) Reprinted from the Stand

September 9, 2024

On August 28, over 40 community and labor leaders met in Seattle for a day to discuss single payer health care (universal, publicly financed and administered health care) as an answer to achieving health care for everyone in our country and state, and what it might take to get there. The “Summit” was sponsored by Health Care for All-WA, Health Care Is a Human Right, Physicians for a National Health Program WA, Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action, Thurston-Lewis-Mason Central Labor Council, Washington Community Action Network and Whole Washington.

The keynote presentation was given by Rose Roach, National Coordinator of the Labor Campaign for Single Payer. She is also the Chair of Health Care for All Minnesota and a 34-year veteran of the labor movement, recently retiring as the Executive Director of the MN Nurses Association. Her theme was “Why Single-Payer Health Care Would Benefit Unions and Union Members.” See video of Summit’s morning session here. Please note: Rose starts at 4:47.

In afternoon breakout sessions, attendees worked on policy, strategy and organizing ideas in four areas:  

The State Based Universal Health Care Act (HR 6270 and S.4817)

A federal proposal for enabling and funding universal health plans at the state level. Advocates in over 20 states, including Washington, are working for state plans as a pathway to a national plan like Improved Medicare for All, as proposed by Rep. Jayapal’s HR 3421 and Sen. Sanders’ S.1655.

Organizing for a universal state health plan that meets Labor’s needs. 

The labor movement has largely steered clear of this work so far, but the campaigns for state plans cannot succeed without Labor helping to lead. To succeed, state plans will need to address ten labor issues.

What can be done in the 2025 legislative session to get us closer to a universal state health plan? 

In 2021 our state created the Universal Health Care Commission, but its work has been advancing slowly. In November, it will report to the Legislature on SB 5335, the WA Health Trust proposal for a state health plan.

Can we prevent the total privatization of Medicare by “leveling the playing field” with the private Medicare Advantage plans? 

This would mean adding benefits to Traditional Medicare (vision, dental, hearing), setting a low out-of-pocket cap to eliminate need for supplemental Medigap insurance, and recouping funds for the Medicare Trust Fund from Medicare Advantage plans’ documented $80-140 Billion annual overpayments. This proposal, launched by the WSLC in 2023 with Resolution #2023.01, is gaining national traction and will be the subject of a new bill in Congress.

For years, the labor movement has fought to expand access to health care and has advocated making quality health care a basic right of all people in the United States. The WSLC and the AFL-CIO have also advocated moving towards a single payer program like Medicare for All.  Our is the only industrial nation without a national health plan for all. And yet the effort to achieve this “gold standard” has faced great obstacles. 

The insurance industry, hospital chains and Big Pharma have used our healthcare dollars and their political power to protect their profits and our fragmented and unsustainable healthcare “system.” Too many elected officials of both parties have been afraid to challenge the industry – but this is beginning to change thanks to grassroots pressure.

Labor has won good health care for millions of its members and their families through collective bargaining. Many unions are reluctant to devote their resources to campaigns for universal health care when so many immediate priorities demand attention. And yet contract fights for health care have resulted in wage stagnation and many strikes. More and more, we are hearing “how good it would be to get health care off the bargaining table” to make more progress on wages, conditions, retirement and other issues.  

It will be a huge social change to win guaranteed quality, affordable and equitable health care for everyone in our country. This will require building a broad health justice movement that intersects with all the other social justice campaigns around race, gender, housing, jobs, climate, economic justice, retirement security, democracy and more. This is our challenge and opportunity. The health justice movement can only succeed with Labor helping to lead the way.

We are building a state-wide movement with our partners and we need your help. 

While legislative action has been our bailiwick, the failure of key bills to pass in the 2024 session SJM 8006 and KOCA in 2024 has made even more relevant the need to get boots on the ground and folks on the street. To speak to that need, HCFA-WA has revitalized our outreach and organizing activities with Consuelo Echeverria taking the lead. 

But we need your help. Not only financially but also please lend your talents so we can achieve health care for everyone. We need help calling our members, hosting events, writing, shaping testimony. It can be from one hour a month to three hours a week, every bit is appreciated! 

Get involved here or email us at [email protected] to become a leader in our movement! 

Our coalition partners gather under Health Care Is a Human Right WA, and include Health Care for All-Washington, Physicians for a National Health Program of Washington, Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action, Washington Citizen Action Network and Whole Washington. 

A short recap of our actions: 

The Rally for Universal Health Care

In March 2024 the five leaders of the single payer universal health care movement came together to organize the first of many rallies for universal health care on the Capitol steps in Olympia. 

WA Single Payer Leadership Summit : The case for universal single-payer health care, and how we get there. FYI: Web page is coming soon. 

In August we joined forces for our Summit with Rose Roach, Labor for Single Payer, as our keynote speaker for labor’s need for  single payer universal, publicly financed and administered health care. 

Testifying at the House Health Care and Wellness Committee

On Sept. 23 our coordinated testimony made for a powerful voice that brought home the need for a deadline for delivering the universal system and for Universal Health Care Commission members to be prepared to make decisions and vote! Along with the need for deadlines. The testimony starts at 2:27 

PNHP Day of Action 

Sept. 30th. 11:30-1:30 

Medicare supporters around the country will gather for local actions focused on reclaiming Medicare from profit-hungry corporate health insurers.

When Will We Focus on Designing the Universal System? Is There a Timeline?

By Marcia Stedman 

Advocates and Commissioners alike asked this question at the August 2024 meeting. They are eager to move on to designing a healthcare system that would lower costs and increase access for all residents statewide, if only it were in place. Instead, the meetings continue to focus on how features of our current fragmented and costly system could fit into a different and as-yet-unknown system.  

The topic at this meeting was Prior Authorization (PA). Continued support for the Apple Health Expansion was also on the agenda although it is unclear why the Commission needs to sign off on this.

No Quorum, No Votes, No Action

With only 6 of the current 14 members present, no votes could be taken.  Facilitator Gary Cohen opened the discussion with 2 key questions:

  • What is the role of PA in the universal system?
  • Given that PA’s are the tool of insurers, what role will health plans have in the new system? 

Only the first question was considered, and Commissioners again focused on how PA’s could be useful in an as-yet-unknown universal system:

  • Can PA’s be limited to certain services and procedures, given that most are approved?
  • Are we talking about added value for patients? Or for insurers?
  • Who makes the determination?  Is oversight needed?
  • Is electronic submission a way to improve the PA process?
  • Will AI be involved?  Will a human be involved? Or is this outside of UHCC’s scope?

Is there any hope for meaningful reform?

Read the full article here.

Join us as we track the next meeting of the UHCC on Thurs, Oct. 10, 2024, 2-5 p.m.

We encourage you to:

Subscribe to Health Care Authority (HCA) for updates.

September Finance Technical Advisory Committee Recap: Cost and cost-sharing analysis

By Consuelo Echeverria

The FTAC is  recommending an actuarial analysis; however, the Milliman actuaries seem unsure of which data to use and need help defining what they are measuring, which comes as no surprise as there is no overarching vision or plan to guide them. 

So they will be modeling Medicaid, PEBB/SEBB and Cascade Silver scenarios with various cost sharing options. But in reality they are modeling the 3 iterations of the same model of health care: that delivered by private insurance. Furthermore, we all know that the private model comes with substantial administrative costs that will be excluded from their analysis! 

This is a real oversight as it is well documented in previous actuarial reports that removing the administrative burden of prior approvals, coding, complicated billing systems, variable contractual agreements, and non-standard authorization processes can save the state $2.56 billion dollars in the first year. (Oregon CBIZ Optumas Universal Health Care Financing Modeling Report and WA Universal Health Care Work Group (p.) 10)

Read the full article here.


PNHP-WA day of action 

HCFAWA is collaborating with PNHP-WA to plan a Die-In (fun!). 

Monday Sept 30th at lunch time 11:30a.m.-1:30p.m. at the CMS Federal Building. 2988 Jackson Federal Building, 915 2nd Ave in Seattle. 

The Jackson Federal Building houses several offices, including those of our Federal elected representatives and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). We will be sending a message that people are dying as a direct result of these ongoing health policy choices and they MUST put patients over profits and save Medicare. 

More information regarding PNHP Heal Medicare day of action can be found here.

Ready to take action today? Sign PNHP's petition demanding Congress and President Biden protect Medicare beneficiaries by cracking down on insurance company abuses, and by significantly improving the traditional, public Medicare program. Sign it here.


Mon, Sep. 30


PNHP WA “Die-In” to fight corporate health insurance greed & reclaim Medicare
11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
915 Second Ave 
Seattle, WA 98174

Bring your best posters and be prepared to “die”!

Tues, Oct. 1

WA Insurance Commissioner Debate
Sen. Patty Kuderer 
Sen. Phil Fortunato
6:30 p.m.

Here is the link to Live Stream by TVW

Candidate Debate Details

Edmonds College, Black Box Theatre
20310 68th Ave W, Lynnwood, WA 98036 

Free parking

Wed, Oct. 9


2nd Wednesday Speaker Series: How Washington is putting the "affordable" into affordable health care
with Nico Janssen, Office of the Insurance Commissioner (OIC)
7-8:00 p.m.

To address rising health care costs which have created a persistent and growing challenge for the people and the businesses across our state, the Washington State Legislature directed the OIC and the Office of the Attorney General (AGO) to analyze policy approaches to improve health care affordability. This led to the OIC’s August 2024 Final Report on Health Care Affordability

Our guest speaker will break down the approach, the new study, and the final recommendation with the five policy options that could improve health care affordability for all Washingtonians!

RSVP for Zoom link here!

Thurs, Oct. 10 


Universal Health Care Commission meeting
2-5:00 p.m.

This meeting will be held on Zoom and in person at HCA

More info here!

Wed, Oct. 16


Physicians for a National Health Program Washington monthly
7:00 p.m.

Topic TBA

Info here

Fri, Oct. 18


OPS 3rd Friday Meeting
9-10 am


Sun, Oct. 29


Weathering: How systemic injustice erodes health with Dr. Arline
12-2:00 p.m.

via Microsoft Teams

Tue, Nov. 5


Election Day!

Sat, Nov. 9


HCFA-WA Annual Educational Conference & Meeting

Hybrid on Zoom and in person in Seattle-save the date! More info soon!

Please support our work.

The perfect gift for every universal health care supporter, any time of year: Everybody In, Nobody Out t-shirts, winter scarves, and umbrellas.

 Editors: Consuelo Echeverria & Marcia Stedman 
★ Graphics & Communications Specialist: Sydnie Jones 
  President: Ronnie Shure ★  

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