Summertime! and the viewing is EASY
by Marcia Stedman, HCFA-WA President
The past 16 months have seen an explosion of seminars, webinars and Zoom meetings, as our triple crises in health care, racism, and economic equity have become ever more painfully evident. Like many of you, I have been reading, listening, and thinking about how and why we arrived at this historic moment, and what we can do to achieve our goal of a more just and equitable society. As always, I come to the conclusion that health care is at the heart of it. Thanks to the internet, many of us have been privileged to participate in virtual events that originated across our nation. And it seems the discussions just keep getting better.
In a twist on those "Summer Reading" lists, here are a few recent video presentations for your summertime viewing pleasure. A good excuse to come in from the heat, grab yourself a nice cool beverage, and get inspired by your fellow advocates. Happy viewing!
Health Care is a Human Right’s “Medicare Teach-in” – presented June 15, 2021.
This information-packed event can be accessed via the full recording here.
Speakers included:
• Stephanie Kang, Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s Health Policy Director, on the Improved and Expanded Medicare for All Act, HR 1976
• Steve Bauck of Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action on "The Disadvantage of Medicare Advantage"
• Ann Vining of Northwest Health Law Advocates on the Medicare Cliff view experienced by Medicaid patients when they must switch to more costly Medicare coverage at age 65. -
One Payer States’ “HMOs vs. Single Payer” — presented June 18, 2021.
Michael Lighty, a national leader in the fight for Medicare for All, spoke on the role of integrated care systems within a single-payer system. Stephen Kemble, MD of Hawaii had a major role in the discussion after Michael Lighty's presentation. Access the recording here.
HCFA-WA’s own “2021 Healthcare Victories” – presented June 9, 2021
Sen. Emily Randall, Sen. Karen Keiser, Sen. David Frockt, and Rep. Nicole Macri, key HCFA-WA Health Care Champions, highlighted the huge wins for healthcare in Washington State this Session. They gave special recognition to members and supporters of Healthcare for All-Washington for their effective testimony and advocacy over the years that helped move the bills over the finish line and on to Gov. Inslee’s desk, where they were signed into law. Watch the video here.
We would not have achieved these historic wins without your support. Thank You!
Enjoy the rest of our fabulous Northwest summer and remember - stay cool, stay hydrated, stay healthy!