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Winter 2020 Report

Successes: 2019, 2020, and Beyond
by Marcia Stedman, President

Like the Greek god Janus who looks to both the future and the past, HCFA-WA is also looking back at our 2019 successes and ahead to future successes in 2020 as we prepare for 2021.

In 2019, we made history when, with the support of members like you, our Pathway to Universal Health Care Bill (SB 5822) was passed by the State Senate, and funding to establish the Universal Health Care Work Group was added by the House of Representatives. The Work Group has held two meetings so far, with 6 more to follow until mid-October of 2020. By November of 2020, the Work Group will present their recommendation for a universal healthcare system that will be considered in the 2021 Legislative Session.

But HCFA-WA is not waiting until then to lower health care costs for our state’s residents. In the session interim, we’ve been working with legislators and staff to draft legislation for 2020 that, if passed into law, would lower prescription drug costs and improve drug affordability for Washington residents. We have heard far too many stories of people playing the dangerous game of healthcare roulette as they ration life-saving drugs like insulin due to its high cost. We can and we must pass this bill in 2020. At press time, the details of the bill were still being worked out, but we expect the finished product to be ready by mid-January. We will keep you informed via our website, ebulletins, and Action Alerts.


1. Attend the Universal Health Care Work Group meetings or watch them on TVW, and submit your comments, either at the meeting or online at the Work Group’s webpage. The Work Group needs to hear from you. The more stories they hear, the more ready they will be to take the action we need to ensure universal access to health care!

2. Ask your legislators to support and co-sponsor our bill to lower the cost of prescription drugs. Join us at the Capitol this winter to view and/or testify at the public hearings on the bill. Watch for our Action Alerts for up-to-the minute details on time and location.

3. Request a knowledgeable HCFA-WA speaker for your club or group as you build awareness of our winnable goals among your friends and family members.

4. Support our work with a meaningful donation. Your recurring monthly donation – in any amount – is a budget-friendly way to make a difference and sustain our work throughout the coming year.


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